
Our group’s latest work on hybrid computing for optimization has been published in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. This work has been a collaborative effort with Kamlesh Sawant and Sairaj Dhople from the University of Minnesota.

Prof. Poon is selected as a recipient of the Richard and Julie Hood Endowed Assistant Professorship in Electrical Engineering at Cal Poly for the 2023-24 academic year.

Our 1-year, $50k NSF project ‘I-Corps: Hardware Accelerators for Real-Time Decision Making at the Edge’ has been selected for funding!

Prof. Poon is a subawardee on a 2-year, $11MM project awarded to the Center for Microgrid Research from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)! The project will investigate microgrid reliability and resilience. We are looking forward to our new collaboration with PI Prof. Mahmoud Kabalan and the rest of the team!

Our 3-year, $496k collaborative NSF project with Prof. Sairaj Dhople at the University of Minnesota, ‘Electronic Analog & Hybrid Computing for Power & Energy Systems’, has been selected for funding! (Cal Poly, UMN)

Our collaborator, Dr. Palak Jain, has been selected as a Cohort 2023 Activate Fellow in Activate Berkeley Community at Berkeley Lab’s Cyclotron Road. The two-year fellowship will support Dr. Jain as she works to commercialize our group’s research in analog computing.

Our group’s work with Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, ‘Cost analysis of distributed storage in AC and DC microgrids’, has been published in Applied Energy.

Prof. Poon is a Guest Associate Editor for the special issue ‘Power Electronics Innovation for Building Electrification and Decarbonization’ in Frontiers in Electronics.

Our group’s research on analog computing has been awarded a $50,000 semifinalist prize in the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Prize Ready! Contest administered by NREL!

Joining Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo as an Assistant Professor in EE!

Invited participant at the DOE Expert Discussion Panels on Miscellaneous Electric Loads in Berkeley, CA.

Co-teaching a new class at Stanford—EE157: Electric Motors for Renewable Energy, Robotics, and Electric Vehicles—with Steven Clark and Aaron Goldin.

Our work on mixed-signal computing for power electronics has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics and is available as a preprint on TechRxiv. We demonstrate a hardware prototype of a neuromorphic-inspired computing platform for solving complex optimal control problems in real-time.

Presented our work at APEC 2021 on a mixed-signal computing platform for solving online optimization problems for power electronics systems in a fast and energy-efficient manner. See the conference paper for more details.

Delivered a lecture titled ‘The Power Electronics-Enabled Smart Grid’ for the Stanford Smart Grid Seminar. A recording of the event is available here.

Our latest work has been published in the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics and is available on IEEE Xplore. We show how minimum distortion point tracking can significantly improve the power quality and stability of large-scale, distributed solar inverter systems.

Presented an overview poster of my latest research at an NSF-sponsored workshop on power systems and machine learning in Alexandria, VA.

Our work on minimum distortion point tracking is available on IEEE Xplore. This work presents a new decentralized control strategy for networks of dc-dc converters that can reduce harmonic noise by more than two orders of magnitude for some applications.

Elected Vice Chair of the IEEE PELS San Francisco Bay Area Chapter.

Attended NSF Workshop on Power Electronics-enabled Operation of Power Systems in Chicago.

Starting position as a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Stanford Power Electronics Research Lab and an Affiliate Researcher in the Energy Technologies Area at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.

Invited participant at the Fort Collins 2019 Symposium on Microgrids.

Received the 2019 EERE Postdoctoral Research Award from the Department of Energy.

Participant in the Workshop on Grid-Forming Inverters for Low-Inertia Power Systems in Seattle.

Seminar presentation at the IEEE PELS San Francisco Bay Area Chapter meeting.